Vertosuite FAQs

What is Vertosuite?

Put simply, Vertosuite is a tool that seamlessly integrates DocuWare with a range of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems to receive and validate invoices against Purchase Orders (POs) and Good Receipt Notes (GRNs).

Able to operate with lightning speed and accuracy, it provides for discrepancy and tolerance checks at a ‘Line Item’ level.

What does it do?

Vertosuite Line Items, a DocuWare-certified AP Processing solution, is designed to facilitate the automatic processing of AP invoices from inbox to ERP system.

Utilise the full range of Vertosuite business solutions and you can streamline your organisation’s digital DNA, integrate key systems and take your efficiency to the next level.

How does it work?

Vertosuite is designed and built to automatically process 60-80% of AP invoices and/or credit notes into an ERP system, either via the ERP API or a csv import.

With DocuWare™ integration as standard, invoices can be routed according to your own requirements, ensuring speedy processing and increased confidence in your financial data.

Fully integrated with the authorization matrices in your DocuWare system, it provides greater control over the AP process by formalising strict rule sets.

The checks it carries out include:

  • Duplicate check – To stop potential for doubling up on payments.
  • Business entity – Is the supplier correct?
  • PO number – Does it exist and is it active?
  • GRN – Have the goods been receipted?
  • Delivery – How much has been received?
  • Line Item – Checks quantity and value.
  • Tax Rate – Is it correct for the product and order?
  • Tolerance checks – Tailored to your needs.
  • GL Code – What account or accounts should the item be listed against?

If these are not met, a notification will be forwarded to an AP ‘Task List’ for further action from your AP team.

How many documents can it handle?

Vertosuite Line Items is a low-footprint and highly-configurable solution which can handle up to 500 invoices per hour, per entity - depending on your infrastructure. One install is also able to process documents for up to five separate entities.

How does Vertosuite prevent errors from being made?

Vertosuite conducts a wide range of checks and balances to ensure financial data is error free, quality checked and presented to your ERP system in a timely and qualitative manner. Combined with configurable tolerance levels and robust API integration, it’s a highly-available and reliable addition to your AP team.

How much time will it save?

Thanks to its real-time operating system, documents are processed as they arrive and not in batches. By automating and speeding up the AP process, Vertosuite can reduce the processing time from hours to seconds. In our experience, automating the end-to-end process can be applied to an average 92% of invoices.

Why will it save me money?

Once installed and configured, Vertosuite operates automatically - reducing the need for people to process items manually. By reducing the number of people required to carry out AP processing tasks, it frees your existing team to do other tasks.

How will it help my staff?

Vertosuite literally changes the way your AP department runs – saving you time and money by automating processing documents.

By improving data quality and eradicating errors, your AP team can turn from inputters to gatekeepers who have the time to focus on exceptions rather than input data repetitively. If used alongside a non-integrated ERP, it can still provide output files in a CSV or XML format.

How quickly will I see an ROI?

By streamlining AP processes and improving data quality, it will reduce the need for your AP team to carry out repetitive data input so they can focus on resolving the exceptions. In our experience, this will typically deliver a return on investment in under six months.

Can it handle multiple companies?

Designed to function to all intents and purpose within the single user interface of DocuWare, one on-prem install can process invoices for up to five separate organisations, if they are aligned to one account user. In the SaaS version, it is a one-to-one but with lower monthly costs.

Does it work in different countries?

Vertosuite is designed to operate anywhere in the world as a multi-currency and multi-tax platform. Perfect for exporters and importers. Suitable for organisations which are not based in the UK.

Can it handle non-authorised Sales?

Invoices which can be validated against POs and GRNs are obviously processed much quicker. However, it can also handle non-PO invoices and credit notes (for example utility/rates etc), offering sign-off/authorisation processing (depending on the capabilities of your DMS workflows).